Version: 2006-09-16
First maintainer: Esther Michaels
Current maintainer: Maarten Wiltink (Evil miniFAQ Boss)
//uses ShellAPI; procedure RunAProgram (const theProgram, itsParameters, defaultDirectory: string); var rslt: integer; msg: string; begin rslt := ShellExecute(0, 'open', pChar (theProgram), pChar (itsParameters), pChar (defaultDirectory), sw_ShowNormal); if rslt <= 32 then begin case rslt of 0, se_err_OOM: msg := 'Out of memory/resources'; error_File_Not_Found: msg := 'File "' + theProgram + '" not found'; error_Path_Not_Found: msg := 'Path not found'; error_Bad_Format: msg := 'Damaged or invalid exe'; se_err_AccessDenied: msg := 'Access denied'; se_err_NoAssoc, se_err_AssocIncomplete: msg := 'Filename association invalid'; se_err_DDEBusy, se_err_DDEFail, se_err_DDETimeOut: msg := 'DDE error'; se_err_Share: msg := 'Sharing violation'; else msg := 'no text'; end; raise Exception.Create('ShellExecute error #' + IntToStr (rslt) + ': ' + msg); end; end;
The datatype of ProcInfo changed between Delphi3 and Delphi4.
Code for Delphi4 and up: | Code for Delphi3: |
// uses Windows, SysUtils procedure ProgramRunWait(const CommandLine, DefaultDirectory: string; Wait: boolean); var StartUpInfo: TStartUpInfo; ProcInfo: Process_Information; Dir, Msg: PChar; ErrNo: integer; E: Exception; begin FillChar(StartUpInfo, SizeOf(StartUpInfo), 0); StartUpInfo.cb := SizeOf(StartUpInfo); if DefaultDirectory <> '' then Dir := PChar(DefaultDirectory) else Dir := nil; if CreateProcess(nil, PChar(CommandLine), nil, nil, False, 0, nil, Dir, StartUpInfo, ProcInfo) then begin try if Wait then WaitForSingleObject(ProcInfo.hProcess, INFINITE); finally CloseHandle(ProcInfo.hThread); CloseHandle(ProcInfo.hProcess); end; end else begin ErrNo := GetLastError; Msg := AllocMem(4096); try FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, nil, ErrNo, 0, Msg, 4096, nil); E := Exception.Create('Create Process Error #' + IntToStr(ErrNo) + ': ' + string(Msg)); finally FreeMem(Msg); end; raise E; end; end; |
// uses Windows, SysUtils procedure ProgramRunWait(const CommandLine, DefaultDirectory: string; Wait: boolean); var StartUpInfo: TStartUpInfo; ProcInfo: TProcessInformation; Dir, Msg: PChar; ErrNo: integer; E: Exception; begin FillChar(StartUpInfo, SizeOf(StartUpInfo), 0); StartUpInfo.cb := SizeOf(StartUpInfo); if DefaultDirectory <> '' then Dir := PChar(DefaultDirectory) else Dir := nil; if CreateProcess(nil, PChar(CommandLine), nil, nil, False, 0, nil, Dir, StartUpInfo, ProcInfo) then begin try if Wait then WaitForSingleObject(ProcInfo.hProcess, INFINITE); finally CloseHandle(ProcInfo.hThread); CloseHandle(ProcInfo.hProcess); end; end else begin ErrNo := GetLastError; Msg := AllocMem(4096); try FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, nil, ErrNo, 0, Msg, 4096, nil); E := Exception.Create('Create Process Error #' + IntToStr(ErrNo) + ': ' + string(Msg)); finally FreeMem(Msg); end; raise E; end; end; |
This code belongs the in the dpr file of your project, i.e. your main program.
// uses Windows, SysUtils var hMyMutex : tHandle; begin hMyMutex := CreateMutex (nil, False, pChar(Uppercase(ExtractFileName(Application.ExeName)+'_2nd_instance_lockout')) ); if (hMyMutex <> Null) then begin try if (GetLastError <> error_Already_Exists) then begin // the code maintained by Delphi Application.Initialize; . . . Application.Run; // end of code maintained by Delphi end finally CloseHandle (hMyMutex); end end; else ShowMessage ('CreateMutex returned error code ' + IntToStr(GetLastError)); end;
List box example, set ListBox.Style to lbOwnerDrawFixed
- every second line is shaded, and selected entry is not highlighted
when control loses focus
procedure tForm1.ListBox1DrawItem(Control : TWinControl; Index : Integer; Rect : TRect; State : TOwnerDrawState); var frameIt : boolean; begin with (Control as tListBox), Canvas do begin Font.Assign (tListBox (Control).Font); Font.Style := []; Brush.Color := tListBox (Control).Color; frameIt := False; if ([odInactive, odDisabled, odGrayed] * State) <> [] then font.Color := clGrayText else begin frameIt := odSelected in State; if frameIt and Focused then begin Brush.Color := clHighlight; Font.Color := clHighlightText; end else begin if Odd (Index) then Brush.Color := clBtnFace; end; end; FillRect (Rect); TextOut (Rect.Left, Rect.Top, Items [Index]); if frameIt then begin if Focused then begin Pen.Style := psDot; Pen.Mode := pmCopy; Pen.Color := clWindowText; FrameRect (Rect); end else DrawFocusRect (Rect); end; end; end;
Runtime access to all the fields of the Project Options -> VersionInfo tab.
Download component
containing this code (kindly contributed by Daniel Rutten).
To use this component, drop it on a form and create 10 edit boxes (named Edit1 through Edit10). In the FormCreate method, put the following. The fields of the component have the same names as the fields of the Version Info tab in Delphi.
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin Edit1.Text := VersionInfo1.CompanyName; Edit2.Text := VersionInfo1.FileDescription; Edit3.Text := VersionInfo1.FileVersion; Edit4.Text := VersionInfo1.InternalName; Edit5.Text := VersionInfo1.LegalCopyright; Edit6.Text := VersionInfo1.LegalTradeMarks; Edit7.Text := VersionInfo1.OriginalFilename; Edit8.Text := VersionInfo1.ProductName; Edit9.Text := VersionInfo1.ProductVersion; Edit10.Text := VersionInfo1.Comments; end;
(There is no need to call VersionInfo1.Execute unless you want version info from a different file than the one the component belongs to.)
This help file introduces the reader to the use of streams. (Kindly contributed by Alan Lloyd.)
Make a form, add a button called CreateButton, give it an OnClick handler and copy the following code into it:
procedure TForm1.CreateButtonClick(Sender: TObject); begin if not Assigned(RuntimeButton1) then begin RuntimeButton1 := TButton.Create(Self); RuntimeButton1.Parent := Form1; RuntimeButton1.Top := CreateButton.Top + 32; RuntimeButton1.Left := CreateButton.Left; RuntimeButton1.Caption := 'Press me!'; RuntimeButton1.OnClick := RuntimeButtonClick; end else if not Assigned(RuntimeButton2) then begin RuntimeButton2 := TButton.Create(Self); RuntimeButton2.Parent := Form1; RuntimeButton2.Top := RuntimeButton1.Top + 32; RuntimeButton2.Left := CreateButton.Left; RuntimeButton2.Caption := 'Press me too!'; RuntimeButton2.OnClick := RuntimeButtonClick; end; end;
Copy the following lines into the declaration of TForm1 (put them in the public or private sections, but not where Delphi puts the objects added at design time):
RuntimeButton1: TButton; RuntimeButton2: TButton; procedure RuntimeButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
Then copy this procedure into the implementation section:
procedure TForm1.RuntimeButtonClick(Sender: TObject); begin ShowMessage('A button that was created at runtime was just pressed.' + #13#10#13#10 + 'The button''s caption is: "' + TButton(Sender).Caption + '"'); end;
At runtime, initially there is only one button. If you press on it then a button with caption "Press me!" is created; if you press the original button again, a second button with caption "Press me too!" is created. Pressing the runtime-created buttons produces the ShowMessage dialog, which shows the caption of the button that was pressed.
var Edit: TEdit; i: Integer; begin for i:=0 to Pred(ComponentCount) do begin if (Components[i] is TEdit) then begin { Only do TEdits } Edit:=TEdit(Components[i]); case Edit.Tag of { Tag values are set in the Object Inspector } 1: Edit.Color:=clRed; 2: Edit.Color:=clYellow; 3: Edit.Color:=clBlue; end; end; end; end;